The EvtOpenLog function opens an exported or live event log and returns a handle that can be used to access the log. The returned handle can be used by subsequent calls to the EvtGetLogInfo function.
EVT_HANDLE log = NULL; LPCWSTR logPath = L"SimpleOperationalChannel";log = EvtOpenLog( NULL, logPath, EvtOpenChannelPath);if(log == NULL){ wprintf(L"Error opening the log: 0x%x \n", GetLastError()); return 1;}
The EvtClose function closes an open event object handle that was previously returned from a Windows Event Log function. Any handle that is returned by a Windows Event Log function must be closed using this function call when the user is finished with the handle. The handle that is passed into this function becomes invalid after this function is successfully called.
EVT_HANDLE log = NULL; LPCWSTR logPath = L"SimpleOperationalChannel";log = EvtOpenLog( NULL, logPath, EvtOpenChannelPath);...EvtClose(log);
The EvtGetEventInfo function allows the caller to determine which clause in an event query or subscription filter selected a given event or to determine the channel or log that the event came from.
typedef enum _EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID{ EvtLogCreationTime = 0, // EvtVarTypeFileTime EvtLogLastAccessTime, // EvtVarTypeFileTime EvtLogLastWriteTime, // EvtVarTypeFileTime EvtLogFileSize, // EvtVarTypeUInt64 EvtLogAttributes, // EvtVarTypeUInt32 EvtLogNumberOfLogRecords, // EvtVarTypeUInt64 EvtLogOldestRecordNumber, // EvtVarTypeUInt64 EvtLogFull, // EvtVarTypeBoolean} EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID;
EVT_VARIANT* logProperty = (EVT_VARIANT*) malloc (sizeof (EVT_VARIANT));DWORD bufferSize = sizeof(EVT_VARIANT);if( !EvtGetLogInfo(log, EvtLogNumberOfLogRecords, bufferSize, logProperty, &bufferSize)){ //...}if(logProperty->Type == EvtVarTypeNull){ wprintf(L"The value of the log number of events property is NULL.\n");}else{ wprintf(L"The value of the log number of events property is: %I64u \n", logProperty->UInt64Val);}
The EvtClearLog function clears all events from an active log and exports the events to a target log file.
if ( !EvtClearLog(NULL, L"Application", L"c:\\temp\\MyClearedEvents.log", 0 )) return GetLastError();
The EvtExportLog function exports selected events from a channel or from a log file to a target log file based on an event query.
if ( !EvtExportLog(NULL, L"Application", L"*", L"c:\\MyExportedEvents.log", EvtExportLogChannelPath )) return GetLastError();
The EvtArchiveExportedLog function archives localized information associated with the events in specified logs that have been created by either the EvtClearLog function or the EvtExportLog function.
if ( !EvtArchiveExportedLog(NULL, L"c:\\MyExportedEvents.log", MAKELCID( MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT ), 0 )) return GetLastError();